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# "이것은 R 코드 입니다."
# "이것은 Python 코드 입니다."
Question 1
Retrieve the bid and offer prices for Apple (AAPL) and Google (GOOG) for Dec 3, 2012. The data are from the TAQ database in WRDS
wd_win = "G:/공유 드라이브/Project_TBD/Stock_Data/Misc"
wd_mac = "/Volumes/GoogleDrive/공유 드라이브/Project_TBD/Stock_Data/Misc"
fn = list.files(path=wd_win, pattern = '.csv')
trades = read.csv(paste(wd_win,fn[2],sep='/'))
quotes = read.csv(paste(wd_win,fn[1],sep='/'))
## [1] 70182 7
## [1] 495848 6
## 1 20121203 4:00:01.360 AAPL NA 100 589.50 0
## 2 20121203 4:04:09.043 AAPL NA 145 589.50 0
## 3 20121203 4:04:31.208 AAPL NA 300 589.32 0
## 4 20121203 4:12:19.971 AAPL NA 100 590.21 0
## 5 20121203 4:31:10.157 AAPL NA 100 589.90 0
## 6 20121203 4:53:04.991 AAPL NA 100 589.34 0
## 1 20121203 4:00:01.084 AAPL NA 589.50 589.60
## 2 20121203 4:02:11.715 AAPL NA 589.50 589.95
## 3 20121203 4:04:03.310 AAPL NA 589.50 589.73
## 4 20121203 4:04:09.043 AAPL NA 588.25 589.95
## 5 20121203 4:04:09.048 AAPL NA 588.25 589.50
## 6 20121203 4:04:21.689 AAPL NA 588.25 589.38
trades2 =
trades[,c(2,6)] %>%
filter(PRICE != 0) %>%
quotes2 =
quotes[,c(2,5,6)] %>%
mutate(spread = ASK - BID) %>%
filter(BID !=0 & ASK !=0) %>%
filter(spread < 100) %>%
Question 2
Use any program to construct signature plots for the realized volatility of the bid and the offer(i.e., ask), the midquote ((bid+offer)/2), as well as the transaction log prices. Also provide a plot for the realized co-volatility between bid and ask log prices.
Theoretical Concept
We focus on a single asset traded in a liquid financial market.We assume that the sample-path of the corresponding (latent)price process,\(\{S∗t,0≤t\}\), is continuous and determined by the stochastic differential equation(sde)
\[r_t = d\log\left(S_t^*\right) =\sigma_t dW_t\] where \(W_t\) denotes a standard Brownian motion, and the spot volatility process \(\sigma_t\) is predictable and has a continuous sample path. We assume that \(\sigma_t\) and \(W_t\) processes are uncorrelated and, for convenience, we refer to the unit time interval as a day.
Integrated Volatility [IV]
Primary interest centers on forecasting the (latent) integrated volatility over daily and longer inter-daily horizons. Specifically, we define the one-period integrated volatility,
\[IV_{t+1} = \int_{t}^{t+1} \sigma_\tau^2 d\tau\]
and, for \(m\) a positive integer, the corresponding multi-period measure,
\[IV_{t+1:t+m} = \sum_{j=1}^m IV_{t+j}\]
In this context, \(IV_t\) equals the quadratic return variation which, in turn, provides a natural measure of ex-post return variability.
Integrated volatility is not directly observable but, as highlighted by many papers, the corresponding RVs provide consistent estimate of \(IV_t\). The standard RV measure is simply introduced as below.
Realized Volatility [RV]
Realized volatility [RV] is a non-parametric ex-post estimate of the return variation. The most obvious realized volatility measure is the sum of finely-sampledsquared return realizations over a fixed time interval.
\[RV_t^*(h) = \sum_{i=1}^{1/h} r_{t-1+ih}^{*(h)2}\], where \(1/h\) is assumed to be a positive integer and \(r_{t}^{*(h)} = \log(S_t^*)-log(S_{t-s}^*)\). Formally, \(RV_{t}^{*}(h)\) is uniformly consistent for \(IV_t\) as \(h \rightarrow 0\), i.e., the intraday sampling frequency goes to infinity.
Signature Plot
A microstructure bias, if operative, will probably manifest itself as sampling frequency increases by distorting the average realised volatility. We construct a plot of average realised volatility against sampling frequency, which we call the “volatility signature plot” This helps to reveal the severity of microstructure bias as sampling frequency increases, and can be useful in guiding the selection of sampling frequency. We can also use the volatility signature plots to characterise different market microstructures.
Interestingly, it turns out that the volatility signature has the same form as the variance-time function, which has been extensively studied in finance. However, while there is no information in the volatility signature that is not also present in high-frequency return autocorrelations, the two are complements, not substitutes, as the information relevant for construction and interpretation of realised volatilities is more directly and transparently revealed in the volatility signature plot.
Take log
bid_series = log(quotes2$BID)
ask_series = log(quotes2$ASK)
mid_series = log((quotes2$BID + quotes2$ASK)/2)
price_series = log(trades2$PRICE)
Calculate Averaged Realized Volatility
ARV = function(x, y=x, k){
#overlap delta(x_i)
diff_x = diff(x, lag=k)
diff_y = diff(y, lag=k)
ARV = sum(diff_x * diff_y) / k
if (ARV > 0){
result = sqrt(ARV*250)
else {
result = -sqrt(-ARV*250)
Get ARVs for bid,ask,mid, and trade
num_k = 100
step = 2
max_k = num_k * step
ARVs = data.frame(bid = c(1:num_k)*0,
ask = c(1:num_k)*0,
mid = c(1:num_k)*0,
trade = c(1:num_k)*0,
covol = c(1:num_k)*0
for (i in 1:num_k){
ARVs[i,1] = ARV(bid_series, bid_series, step*i)
ARVs[i,2] = ARV(ask_series, ask_series, step*i)
ARVs[i,3] = ARV(mid_series, mid_series, step*i)
ARVs[i,4] = ARV(price_series, price_series, step*i)
# Realized Covariation of Bid and Ask
ARVs[i,5] = ARV(bid_series, ask_series, step*i)
ARVs =
ARVs %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(corr= covol/(bid*ask))
ARVs['k'] = seq(step,max_k,step)
#ARVs$ID =
## # A tibble: 6 x 7
## # Rowwise:
## bid ask mid trade covol corr k
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 40.3 42.2 26.0 0.472 -18.9 -0.0111 2
## 2 28.8 30.0 18.4 0.364 -13.7 -0.0158 4
## 3 23.7 24.7 15.1 0.316 -11.4 -0.0194 6
## 4 20.5 21.5 13.1 0.290 -9.77 -0.0222 8
## 5 18.4 19.3 11.8 0.273 -8.91 -0.0250 10
## 6 16.9 17.7 10.8 0.260 -8.11 -0.0272 12
Although high-frequency microstructural effects will also be small for sampling intervals larger k, realised volatility estimates constructed from larger return intervals will begin to suffer from a higher sampling error. There is a trade-off between minimising microstructural bias and minimising sampling error
- k가 작을때 = sampling frequency가 매우 큼= highly frequent
- bid/ask RV가 가장 크다
- trasaction price RV 보다 mid quote RV가 더 크다
- sampling frequency가 클때 covariance도 매우 크다
- BID와 ASK return series는 같은 방향으로 가야하는거 아닌가?
- MID보다 Transaction Price의 RV가 더 커야하는거 아닌가?
- Spread Plot
- Bid Plot
Question 3
For the same data, compute the statistic \(L_T^{(n,d)}\) from the previous problem set, as well as \(\widehat{QV}\). Recall that $ L_T^{(n,d)}/$ is asymptotically \(N(0,1)\) if the \(X\) process is an Ito process. On this basis, test the null hypothesis \(H_0\) that the \(X\) process is an Ito process.
\[L_{t}^{(n,d)}=\sum_{t_{i+1}\le t}\Delta X_{t_{i-1}}\Delta X_{t_{i}}\] where \(\Delta X_{t_{i-1}}=X_{t_{i}}-X_{t_{i-1}}\quad\Delta X_{t_{i}}=X_{t_{i+1}}-X_{t_{i}}\)
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -36.96480000 -0.00023600 0.00000000 -0.00296394 0.00000000 1.15793800
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -6.12000000 -0.01000000 0.00000000 -0.00981701 0.00000000 3.97270000
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -78.65013227 -0.00235544 0.12636432 0.00000000 0.12636432 51.26286564
- This shows that we can reject the null hypothesis that the X process is an Ito process
Question 4
Determine a reasonable choice of J and K for using TSRV based on transaction log prices.
- Signiture plot
- Realized Volatility